The Man of Tomorrow is forged by his battles today.” (15-21 Jan 2024)

Halfway through the first phase of my sub-17 training, I have the sense of “point of no return”; the training should be yielding results and it becoming clearer as to what my capability will be. Though there were hiccups this week in trying to keep to the training plan, I’ve largely done well with it, being patient and getting out despite the cold (which is hopefully coming to an end now!)

Monday – 5 mile jog

A nice relaxed jog, preparing my mind for the week ahead. For some reason I’d had an almost sleepless night (and typically only got to sleep shortly before I was due to wake up!), had work and errands to deal with. It was all I could do to squeeze a jog in right before yet another work meeting, thankful a workout session wasn’t due until tomorrow.

Strava data here.

Tuesday – 2x[8x(200m fast + 2 min jog)+5 min jog]

This was a fun workout session, basically short strides with jogs. As a couple of drivers let me cross a road I waited at, it occurred to me what a sight I must have been to them:

Grey cap; blue running buff over my mouth like a bandit; purple t-shirt; shorts in near-zero temperature; odd socks (and not in a cool way) and; lime green trainers!

Nonetheless, I imagine myself looking cool at sub-5:00/mile pace, so it balances out!

The only issue came halfway through when I realized my distance would come up short. Improvising by incorporating the reverse of an old route, it turned into a good 8 mile route I can use in the future.

My mathematical skills continuing to lack, I’d calculated I was barely on pace for the splits. On analysis afterwards, it turned out I was actually way faster than target pace for all but one (which was uphill). Maybe the clothes do make the man; even if they are bizzare!

Strava data here.

Wednesday – 5 mile jog

I unexpectedly had to collect daughter’s violin from a repair shop, and with work getting in the way of life, the most efficient use of my time was jogging back from the shop. Despite wearing a thick, heavy Timberland coat, thick winter jumper and worn out trainers, while carrying a loaded backpack and the violin!

That I considered doing a run rather than catch a bus home or going home and then driving there shows I’m back to my old mentality; running as a first resort. This is despite running up 13 flights of stairs at the office that morning (I managed it last week for the first time in ages, though that was later followed by having to chase a bus down to the next stop after it showed up late and didn’t let me on. I beat and caught it, and the driver didn’t even have the backbone to look at me as I entered.)

I intentionally didn’t look at my phone the whole time, running to feel rather than target a pace. Looking at the stats afterwards, it was encouraging to see that it had nearly been a progression pace despite a couple of significant uphills on the way. Then again, maybe I didn’t need to look at the splits to see I’d put effort in; my jumper was soaking with sweat when I finished!

Strava data here.

Thursday – 13x(100m sprint + 300m jog)

I was originally due to run 5 mins fast with 3 min recovery, 3 times. Looking forward to it all day, I imagined the pace I’d target, reflective of what I’d be capable on race day. It would be at the track, due to my daughter having a session there. Imagine my disappointment to see a quarter of the track covered in ice!

I tested a couple of strides on that section, but didn’t fancy my chances; I’m clumsy enough at the best of times. Fortunately, a club member happened to be running laps at the same time and suggested running 100m sprints together on a safe section with 300m jog recovery. I hadn’t done such a session before but relished the challenge of pushing myself to true sprint – imagining myself as Usain Bolt against Yohan Blake. It was crazy to see 3:20ish per mile flash up regularly, with the thought of elites running that for a whole mile bewildering.

In between reps, it was nice to chat with my clubmate about races, footwear, etc; it all adds towards the rebuilding of the running mentality. On the downside, my legs were ached to a degree not experienced for years; thank goodness for rest day!

Strava data here.

Sunday – 4x(800m fast + 3min recovery) + 4x(400m faster + 3 min recovery)

I was supposed to have ran this on Saturday, but with last minute events and a chunk of the day already planned to be taken up, I forewent (hey, that’s actually a word!) the long run in favour of the workout. Excited to try out a superspeed pace to show my newfound ability… it was quickly hampered by heavy wind (which I can hear in my house as I type this!) which followed me as a headwind in every direction!

Giving it all I had, my pace was way off target throughout, not helped by most of the efforts coinciding with uphills. Still, hopefully this was still enough of a workout so that when conditions are favourable I’ll be back to my usual pace.

Strava data here.

“Let’s do the time warp again…” (8-14 January 2024)

With the training plan in full swing, I’m beginning to feel like my old self again; hankering for my next run, happy to do exercises in the evenings (multitasking by also watching YouTube or brushing my teeth!), and a growing confidence in achieving my goal.

Of course, the most frustrating part is wanting to see what I’m capable of (even after only a week), but as the one and only race comes at the end of the plan, I can but only dream. Nonetheless, there have been notable improvements in my pace, form and consistency. Also consistent; the cold!

Tuesday – 12x(400m fast + 3 min jog)

Having missed Monday’s recovery jog due to a last-minute errand, I was keen to fit this run session in by whatever means. Squeezing it in during my lunch break having sketched out a route out in my head, I set out on the slight variant of the intervals run I’d done on Saturday (that one was 200m strides, this being 400m). The constant fast-slow-fast-slow pattern keeps things interesting (even if I feel weird launching into speed right when there are pedestrians around), though typically a couple of the strides hit right at the hilliest part of the route. And I’d totally miscalculated the distance, leading to quite a bit of improv for the last 3 reps. All reps came in on target (allowing a bit of slippage for hills).

Strava data here

Wednesday – 5 mile jog

A straightforward recovery jog, but I had a brainwave for this one; wearing my regular thick winter gloves! Normally I’d wear my decent quality running gloves which may keep the average person’s hands warm, but I tend to lose all feeling in my fingers after 20 mins of wearing them. Wearing my thick non-running gloves however, made a world of difference and my hands were comfortable throughout. Regarding the run, I forced myself to take it easy, close to 8:00/mile.

Strava data here

Thursday – 5x(1km @ 5k pace + 2 min rec)

The training plan had uphill reps scheduled, but I’d forgotten that my youngest would be at the track that night, necessitating that I do a track session or have difficulty squeezing a late night training session in. I wasn’t in the mood for a typical 6x(800m reps+ 400m rec) that had helped maintain fitness last autumn, so I snuck a peek at a sub-17 plan which had kilometre reps in at this point. It would be a slight increase in difficulty while also showing my capablity. All reps were doing well… wait, what?

4th rep: “why’s the watch beeping the countdown already, did I blank out 400m somehow?”

Utterly confused by what happened, I improvised in continuing the rest of the rep by sight, to adjust the watch afterwards. Looking at the upload, somehow, it had started the recovery rep while I thought I was in the running rep; unsure whether I’d knocked it or unconciously tapped it unecessarily to start. That rep naturally came in skewed, but nonetheless, all the other reps were on – or faster than – target.

Also nice was that there was one of my clubmates jogging on the track at the same time, giving encouragement and sharing a chat about our goals for this year.

Strava data here and here

Saturday – 6x(300m fast + 2 min jog)

I’m not used to interval sessions on Saturday, but it strikes me that pretty much all the sessions are either jogs or intervals; I suppose the shorter plan and reduced mileage doesn’t allow much variation.

Just about managing to squeeze this workout run in the morning (something else I’m not used to!), I was confident beforehand due to the fewer and shorter strides. It made it a bit more enjoyable, knowing I could tick this one off without any fuss. Also nice were friendly waves from a runner I didn’t know and a pedestrian. Guess enjoyment is infectious!

Strava data here

Sunday – 10 miles

This was not only a nice palate cleanser to finish the week with, but an opportunity to test out my new headphones. My old ones have been dying a death for a few months now, but I hadn’t been able to find the specific style I like (over ear, foldable, hard plastic), with most manufacturers opting for AirPod clones which never stay in my ears – much less when I’m running.

They worked great, just a shame that my phone died 5 miles into the run! Grr… can’t win ’em all. On the plus side, at least the temperature increased by a couple of degrees so I was able to wear my regular running gloves without losing sensation.

Weirdly, I felt really comfortable maintaining a jogging pace of about 7-7:15/mile without intending to, showing the training is starting to pay off.

Strava data here

The Lazarus Project (1-7 Jan 2024)

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Welcome back to my long-time readers, and if you’re new here, a double-welcome to you! I started this blog about 5 years ago when targeting a sub-3 hour marathon and kept it going through my many adventures of pursuing faster times, meeting runners of all backgrounds and enjoying the variety of races available.

“So why start it up again?” I hear you cry. Unsurprisingly, I’ve been re-inspired to take up training again! Having achieved a 17:07 parkrun 4 years ago, it had gradually grated in my mind that I hadn’t hit sub-17. I should have made more of a push when I was at peak fitness, but ah well. But with injury always a possiblity, it’s a goal easier to reach now rather than putting it off any longer. However, motivation isn’t always within; every now and then, it needs to be drawn from without. The cheers at the start line, the hugs when returning from a soggy long run, the kudos on Strava… knowing there are people watching helps to get myself out of the door on cold evenings, or to push that rep halfway through an interval session. Hence, the resurgence of the blog to share my progress and have the weight of expectation upon me.

For this endeavour I’ll be using runbritain’s 6-week schedule, having started it from January 1st. I’m not one for New Year Resolutions, but it was a suitable starting point; particularly as I managed to get back to sub-18 just a couple of days before the end of 2023. Given that I’ve only just gotten to sub-18, my intent is to go through the training plan to get under 17:30, then evaluate to see if going through the plan again would get me to sub-17. Hopefully, with the mileage not as high as that which was required for marathons, I can fit the sessions into an increasingly busy personal life. With that out of the way, let’s see how my week went!

Monday – 4 miles + parkrun

Best way to start a year? Probably not by waking up at 7:30am on 5 hours of sleep, to run around a cold park before running around that same park for parkrun! The hardest part (aside from getting to the start in time having miscalculated the jog distance) was trying to keep the parkrun to a jog, it’s always tempting to get caught up in the wave of runners. Nonetheless, it was great to catch up with some of my clubmates afterwards who had seen my sub-18 on Strava, serving as a reminder that people are watching…

Strava data here.

Tuesday - 1 mile @ 10k pace + 400m rec + 5x(800m @ 5k pace + 200m rec) + 1 mile @ 10k pace

With the track potentially slippy from heavy rainfall, I spent a good deal of time attaching small spikes to my cross-country trainers. So much time that I missed the warm up with the rest of the club, but it gave opportunity to get a feel for the spikes on the track (if I’ve used them on there before, I don’t recall). As humbling as it is to be amongst the faster runners of the club while I’m still building myself back up, it’s a great motivator to push myself faster than I would do alone. Most of the reps went well with keeping pace with others, albeit the last rep had me flagging. Reps came in at paces of 5:34/mile, 5:28, 5:26, 5:27, 5:25, 5:28 ,5:52.

Strava data here.

Wednesday – 6 mile jog

The frustrating thing about jogging the day after a training session; either my legs are like lead, or feeling superstrong! Through many efforts to slow myself down, it turned out I could only do it when playing Pokémon (which of course means my attention to pedestrians is reduced… can’t have it all!)

Strava data here.

Thursday – 3x(5 min @ 5k pace + 3 min static rec)

Track or road? As much as I love running on the track, I couldn’t be bothered to drive there following a day at the office. So heading to a nearly-mile straight stretch of pavement, I put myself to the test. 4 months ago, I was struggling with even 800m reps at 5:45/mile pace. How would I fare with no race conditions, imperfect terrain, having only just returned home? The reps came in well (despite either repeatedly surprising or annoying a dog walker each time I ran the road back-and-forth!) at 5:27/mile, 5:33, 5:35, the distance being close to a full mile.

Strava data here.

Saturday – 2x[8x(200m fast + 2 min jog)+5 min jog between sets

This looked to be tricky to sort out regarding how I’d upload it; set up an interval session, stop and start a basic run for 5 mins, then do the interval session again? Oh, I could set up the interval with 5 min cooldown. But the second set would be uploaded as a second activity; annoying. Then I had a Eureka moment; creating my own Garmin workout activity! Despite having my Garmin watch for ages (no thanks to TomTom unceremoniously stopping their sportstech division), I hadn’t tried creating a workout on it before. It was better than I expected, allowing for impressive combinations of time, distance, workout and recovery periods. Worked first time, and will be a function that’ll be useful throughout the programme.

This also marked the first time I truly felt commited to the routine; it was late evening by the time I was able to get out, and with the weather still cold, I could have forgiven myself for just staying in to watch the Barbie movie with the family. But with a routine I’m determined to adhere to, I got myself out and had a successful session.

Strava data here.

Sunday – 10 mile jog

Cap? Check. T-shirt? Check. Long-sleeve? Check. Gloves? Check. Still cold? Yep!

A nice round off to the week, not concerned with pace. Slightly annoyed that the headphones had died just 1 mile into the run, but it gave me time to think about stuff.

Urgh, forget that. I’ll just play Stevie Nicks’ Edge of Seventeen in my head over and over again!

Strava data here.